Brushing the cobwebs off my blog

I feel ready to start blogging again.  Everything was all too raw earlier.  Son1 has been in remission for over a month now, but treatment will continue for 3 years.  We are participating in a trial of higher dose medication during the summer, but less from November onwards.  This may become the standard chemotherapy treatment in a few years time, depending on the results of the trial.

I am very proud of how brave and strong son1 has been over the last few months.  He almost always has a smile on his face.  So I’ve entered him into The Face of Kinder 2013 competition, with the photo below.  If you would like to vote for him, click on this link which should take you directly to his photo.

son1 made this hat at the hospital to wear at their summer fete

Son1 made this hat at the hospital to wear at their summer fete

Meanwhile son2 has also been very unsettled by everything going on, but we did manage to celebrate his birthday with a super-heros party inbetween hospital visits.

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