Prehistoric Presents gift bags review and giveaway

My children are very pleased as I have received a party bag from Prehistoric Presents to review. This is not your typical plastic or paper party bag filled with cheap plastic toys and sweets.  Instead it is a good quality cotton bag with a dinosaur design, complete with label tag.  It contains 4 rock and fossil samples plus a toy dinosaur and tattoo.  The samples are in individual small drawstring bags, each with an information card.

Prehistoric Presents party bag and contents

Prehistoric Presents party bag and contents

The four samples in our bag are:-
Dinosaur Poo (Copralite)
Shark Tooth
Bornite (Peacock Ore)

The fact that one of the samples was Dinosaur Poo had my children in fits of giggles, so very well targetted at young children of school age. They are both interested in dinosaurs and enjoyed handling all the specimens.

I was very impressed with this bag. Get them if you are having a dinosaur theme party.  However you will pay more for this type of party bag than usual. They cost £9.50 each, although there is an unspecified discount for multiple orders. So if you’re doing a kids party on a shoestring, with 20 plus kids, these are not the bags for you.  But great if you’ve only got a few kids coming.  Also it would work well as a “Pass the Parcel” prize.

Personally I do like to avoid giving a party bag of cheap plastic toys, so this definitely ticks the box. I usually fill a bag with a book, sweets and something like stickers or pencil. However for the last birthday party, I gave zipped bags filled with stationery. These had a retail price of £9.99 but I purchased them in the sale at £1.40 each. So although I’m happy to give party bags which look expensive, I would be reluctant to spend more than about £3 per child, as we’re still at the stage of inviting about 30 kids to parties.

Prehistoric Presents have subsequently sent me one of their luxury gift bags to also review. And they have advised that their party bag has now been rebranded as a party gift bag.  The luxury gift bag contains 6 larger rock and fossil samples plus a good quality magnifying glass. The samples again are in individual small drawstring bags, each with an information card.

Luxury gift bag

Prehistoric Presents luxury gift bag and contents

The six samples in our bag are:-
Dinosaur Poo (Copralite)
Shark Tooth
Bornite (Peacock Ore)
Quartz Rock Crystal

The boys of course were delighted to get Dinosaur Poo again, particularly now that they can have one each. And they enjoyed examining everything through the magnifying glass.

Look! Dinosaur poo

Look! Dinosaur poo

The luxury gift bag costs £19.50 and can be personalised with a hand stencilled name at no additional charge.  This would make a lovely and novel Christmas present.

Prehistoric Presents also sell a range of beautiful fossil jewellery, that is definitely worth a look.

And I’m hosting a rafflecopter competition to giveaway filled gift bags courtesy of Prehistoric Presents to four lucky winners.  Two people will win a luxury gift bag each and two will win a party gift bag each.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you can’t see the Rafflecopter box above, either click the Rafflecopter link or you may alternatively enter via my Facebook page.

Disclosure.  This post is a review of products I was sent for free.  All opinions are my own.

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